Friday, May 30, 2008


I received this 1.0 Liter bottle as a prize for answering a riddle on a website. Here's the sites description:
"Absinth Philippe Lasala is an affordable Absinthe which has been produced since before the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

Produced without artificial dyes, this Absinthe has a smooth but fairly basic flavor profile containing wormwood, fennel, hyssop, and other herbs.

It's originated in Spain. One awesome feature about this Absinth is it's size. While most bottles are sold as a 700 ml (.7 Liter), this number is sold in a larger 1 Liter bottle (1000 ml). This is great because you're given more Absinth for you're money and who's going to complain about more Absinth?

I preferred to take this Absinth in shots. Initially, this Absinth is sweeter than most. It's very smooth going down thanks to it's lower 50 proof alcohol content, so a chaser isn't necessary. While some Absinths emphasize the alcohol content, this one follows the theory of enjoyment and taste, rather than effect. Philippe LaSala louches great with water and turns cloudy though it's nice blend of anise. Thanks to the alcohol content, you're not drunk when the effect begins to kick in after a few shots.

I would highly recommend this Absinth for anyone who's hasn't had much experience with the spirit, due to it's sweet flavor and low non-burning alcohol content. If you can take the first, then you can take many more.

At the time of this post, is selling this brand for $35.00 (+S&H). A steal and great value for the high quality of Absinth.

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